In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, In the days of Jael, the highways were deserted, And travelers went by roundabout ways. 7 The villagers ceased to be; they ceased in Israel Until I, Deborah, arose, Until I arose, a mother in Israel.      Judg.5:6,7AMP

Beloved Women, did you know that during some crucial distressing occasions recorded in Scripture, God rather called women to rise up to war? These were times when you would have thought God would call out the gallant male champions and heroes with their shining armour and deadly weapons; but He rather called out the women. Could it be that, because His strength is made perfect in (human) weakness, He would rather call we weaker vessels to cry to Him so that He can be the complete and total God of the battle, so that ‘’no flesh should glory in His presence”?


For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 

 Do I need to persuade you, Beloved Princesses of the King of kings, that corporate prayers with fasting can change the course of whole nations? I have already made that point and set forth the arguments and given us examples in Scripture as well as in Church history up to modern times, in two previous articles on this same page of this blog. The teachings are titled “Arise, O Africa!  Resist and Reject The Invasion of The Wasters and Destroyers!!” and O Nigeria!! Beloved Fatherland!! Arise And Fight Back!! Please read them as well if you haven’t done so already, so that we can now go straight into why and how God is presently calling women in particular into the fight at this crucial and fearful time in the history of our beloved nation, Nigeria –

Biblical precedence

  • 1/ In the Book of Isaiah chapters 3 and 4, we have the prophetic picture of what would happen when women take hold of the Lord Jesus and cry to Him when disaster hits a nation –

First, God warns of terrible disaster that would come upon the land of Israel –


For behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, Takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah The stock and the store, The whole supply of bread and the whole supply of water; 2The mighty man and the man of war…

         The Lord goes on to say how the women will be in such distress that they will forget their ornaments and all they do to make themselves beautiful. They will also be so short of eligible men to marry that…

…in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; Only let us be called by your name, To take away our reproach.”

         Many have used this verse of Scripture to claim that the Bible justifies polygamy but this is far from what the Messianic Prophet is saying here, Beloved! And you can note from the very next verse that He begins to speak of healing and restoration of the land which would surely follow the desperate action of these distressed women. Surely no earthly man has the power to perform those two feats of healing and restoration of the land if seven women offer themselves for free to him in a polygamous marriage! No!! Read the full chapter and note all the wonderful changes for good that God promises would happen in that devastated land if women would take hold of that particular Man in supplication.

What prophet Isaiah is saying here is that there is that singular peculiar Man Who women can take hold of in desperate supplication in times of great distress; not asking for any personal needs but that He would put His righteousness upon them and that they would become His Bride. The Messianic Prophet is talking about the Lord Jesus, The mighty Deliverer Who we can lay hold of in times of distress, in desperate praying and fasting, and He will surely bring healing and restoration to the land.

Of course, the Bride of Christ comprises of both men and women because it is not an earthly, carnal marriage but a heavenly, spiritual one. Marriage is a covenant relationship and what we are saying here is that, “Lord, we want to enter into a covenant with You so that we and our families and our nation will come under Your protection and You will fight our battles for us.” What bandits and insurgents have done and are still doing to any woman who falls victim, is a terrible reproach on all Nigerian women and only our heavenly Bridegroom, mighty in battle, can truly fight for us and give us the victory over them. We cannot afford to leave this battle to the armed forces and their Commander-in-Chief alone any more!!

  • 2/ In the Book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5, we have an account of a terrible war which was won because two women took major roles in the war, Deborah the Prophetess who was the Judge/Ruler of Israel then and Jael, a simple house-wife! In fact, the situation was very similar to what is happening in Nigeria presently – travelling on the highways was a dangerous thing because of their enemies, the Canaanites, who would ambush and molest the travellers. They were also a terror to villagers whom they would attack and destroy at will! Deborah put it this way in her song of triumph –

In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, In the days of Jael, the highways were deserted, And travelers went by roundabout ways. 7 The villagers ceased to be; they ceased in Israel Until I, Deborah, arose, Until I arose, a mother in Israel.      Judg.5:6,7AMP

The chief of the Canaanite’s army was named Sisera; and he was so wicked and fearful that the chief of the Israeli army, Barak, told Deborah that he would not dare go to the war against him unless she went with them to the war. This was a simple declaration of his dependent on the power of the God of War which rested on His servant, Deborah the Prophetess –

Judg.4:8,9 AMP

Then Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” 9 She said, “I will certainly go with you; nevertheless, the journey that you are about to take will not be for your honor and glory, because the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.”

And so it was that Deborah the Prophetess went to war with the army, prophesying God’s powerful Word all along no doubt; and God fought for Israel using the whole of creation to fight! The Canaanite army was routed and scattered, Sisera got off his war-horse and fled only to find himself in the tent of Jael and she was enabled by The Spirit of Might to physically slay him! Please read the exciting war story in Judges chapters 4 and 5.

  • 3/ In the Book of Jeremiah chapter 8 and 9, God again began to warn the Israelites of the terrible disaster He was going to bring upon them because they had forsaken Him. God said the suffering of the women in particular would be so terrible that He Himself would weep for them! And in chapter 9, verses 17 and He graciously began to tell them the only remedy to their impending doom –


Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider and call for the mourning women, That they may come; And send for skillful wailing women, That they may come. 18 Let them make haste And take up a wailing for us, That our eyes may run with tears, And our eyelids gush with water. 19 For a voice of wailing is heard from Zion: ‘How we are plundered! We are greatly ashamed, Because we have forsaken the land, Because we have been cast out of our dwellings.’ ”

 Nigeria is being plundered daily and many have been cast out of their dwellings, many kidnapped and millions live in IDPs!! We women need not forsake this land, throwing up our hands helplessly, thinking “What can I do?”; expecting the security forces to do all the work! No!! Remember always that all the strength of these marauders lies in their idols who give them amulets and charms; and therefore, they are constantly fighting with both physical and spiritual weapons! Meanwhile, our armed forces are not officially supplied with weapons to fight those deadly spiritual forces; and that is why we women must rise up and take up the spiritual fight for them! We can lay hold of The Man Jesus to Whom all power in heaven and earth has been given; remembering that He has offered us that power and given His unassailable weapons of war in His Word for us to do exploits for His Father on earth!


Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you

Remember The Silent Minute Prayer which the British Parliament adopted from the army Major who started it during the World War ll? All the British at home would stop at 9pm for one minute and pray for the Allied Forces’ victory at the various war fronts; and Sir Winston Churchill, the incumbent Prime Minister then testified, saying “There is no power on earth that can withstand the united cooperation on spiritual levels of men and women of goodwill everywhere”. The Nazis also confessed that the weapon the British used at 9pm daily was the only one for which they had no counter-measure! Glory to God!! (*Silent minute, Wikipedia)

So, let us arise like Deborah, like Jael and begin to wail and mourn to our great God before Nigeria’s enemies bring the real wailing and mourning to every doorstep in the nation! Let us trample in prayer, the serpents and scorpions of death that want to take over our land; and let us make it a walk-over for our armed forces to defeat them in the physical, in Jesus Name!

Our strategy of War

We shall take time to say three sets of short, simple, Scripture-based, Prophetic, targeted prayers daily; one set in the morning, one set in the afternoon and one set at night. They are short prayers and will not take more than five minutes each time unless you have the time and God gives you extra points to pray. After a while, we should have known the prayers by heart and would just stop for five minutes and pray without needing to open our Bibles or this prayer-page. We can even tag the morning and evening prayers onto our normal daily devotion times; but we must never neglect to stop and pray the crucial afternoon prayers any time during the day.

First, lets ask for the full armour of God enumerated in Eph.6:14-18…

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. I have underlined the various parts of the divine armour here.

And also ask for the fullness of the ministry of the Holy Spirit which was made available to the Lord Jesus, the Captain of our Salvation, spoken of in Isa.11:1,2…

There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots. 2The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

We shall start with night prayers because this helps us to pre-empt the plans of the enemy for the night and for the next day…


Father, I thank You for this past day and praise You for my nation Nigeria. I ask that You would have mercy on us and forgive us our terrible sins which are responsible for the woes that have come upon us as a nation. Wash us and our land with The Blood of Jesus and let the blood of the innocent being shed daily which are crying for vengeance against us, be appeased and silenced, in Jesus Name. Amen.

 Lord, we prophesy Your Word into the gates of time opening at midnight to take hold of the wasters and destroyers in our land who would venture to go on any form of attack on the innocent tonight and this next day, in Jesus Name. Amen.

 Now declare the following passage fervently, forcefully and loudly as much as your surroundings are conducive –


Woe to the multitude of many people Who make a noise like the roar of the seas, And to the rushing of nations That make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! 3The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters; But God will rebuke them and they will flee far away, And be chased like the chaff of the mountains before the wind, Like a rolling thing before the whirlwind. 14Then behold, at eventide, trouble! And before the morning, he is no more. This is the portion of those who plunder us, And the lot of those who rob us.

We need to make this declaration at night because the evening-tide rises at midnight. It was the same weapon God used to overthrow Pharaoh’s army at the Red Sea and it has the capacity to overthrow any other wicked army or gang anywhere on land and even in the air as well as on the water-bodies, by the power of the Holy Spirit.


To be prayed as early as possible at dawn –

Father, thank You for keeping us and our nation safe through the night. We also thank You already for peace in our land this new day, in the Name of Jesus. We enforce Your peace upon our land by bringing Your Word to take hold of our land by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name –

 Job 38:12,13

Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place;13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?

And now I stand on the authority and power in the Blood of Jesus and command this morning and the dayspring to know its assignment in this nation right now, and take hold of the ends of the earth that the wicked, the wasters and the destroyers of our land be shaken out of it, in Jesus Name. Amen.


Our prayers during the day will be dedicated to our security forces as they battle to keep our land safe for us and our families. My heart breaks when any of them falls in battle and I sometimes weep for their families. We cannot afford that these brave ones be cut down in their prime and their mothers and wives thrown into weeping and sorrow and mourning. We cannot keep losing them, for that would be like pulling down the protective walls around us! Let us defend them with prayers prayed repeatedly all day whenever we can. Once we purpose to pray, the Holy Spirit will remind us no matter how busy we are …

Father, we thank You for our security forces who battle against the wicked day and night to keep us and our beloved nation safe…the army, the navy, the air-force, the police including the secret police, the special forces like the Amotekun in the South West of Nigeria, the vigilante groups including the JTF in the North East, the hunters and all whom You gave this onerous assignment; also the Service Chiefs and their Commander-in-Chief…

 Your Word says in Jn.15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”. Therefore, we ask for Your special mercy and grace upon them all and their families left at home, in the Name of Jesus. We pray Lord… 

  • That You, Yahweh, the Man of War, Yourself would be the Field Marshall for all our security forces and give the security chiefs and commanders divine battle strategies for every battle and cause them to go conquering daily 
  • That You would place Your everlasting Arms under every one of their vehicles of war and keep them safe whether on land, in the air or on the waters
  • That You would release Your war Angels to mingle with them, protect them from every weapon and strategy of the enemy; and also reveal secrets of the enemies to them, even their internal enemies… 
  • That You would look after every facet of their physical and spiritual welfare and those of their families so that the troops will not be distracted from the fight 
  • That you would strengthen the weary and discouraged; visit and heal the sick and wounded; comfort the families who have lost loved ones in the war… 

….in Jesus Name we pray


The Lord did not mince words about the importance of fasting when faced with a problem that has not given way to prayers alone –


So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

 We know the kind of deadly asymmetric war being waged against us all over this nation. One of our enemies is the deadly ISIS and we know of the devastation and refugee crisis ISIS left in the Middle East before they were routed out by a coalition of nations. This is just one enemy of our nation seeking to continue its deadly destruction here under the name ISWAP…. so please let each of us purpose and choose a day to add fasting to these prayers for our Fatherland. And please, circulate this call to prayer among women as widely as possible, even outside the nation. Naturally, men are also welcome to join us.

God bless us all and shield us and our loved ones, by His Blood and Pillar of Fire, from any counter-attack of the enemy, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Blow the trumpet in Zion,

Consecrate a fast,

Call a sacred assembly;

16 Gather the people,

Sanctify the congregation,

Assemble the elders,

Gather the children and nursing babes;

Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber,

And the bride from her dressing room.

17 Let the priests, who minister to the Lord,

Weep between the porch and the altar;

Let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord,

And do not give Your heritage to reproach,

That the nations should rule over them.

Why should they say among the peoples,

‘Where is their God?’ ”

Joel 2:15-17

Dedicated to our gallant heroes who have paid the supreme price in their quest to make Nigeria safe from internal and external aggression; especially the seven Air-Force officers who died in a plane crash in Abuja earlier this week on 21 February 2021, on their way to rescue the kidnapped school boys in Niger State. They are being buried today. Rest in perfect peace, Beloveds.

25 Feb. 2021


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