About The Pen of The Ready Writer Ministry
The Pen of the Ready Writer is the teaching arm of Ark of Rescue Mission and it was started in 1993 with tract production. Over the years as I began to teach in Bible Schools, Churches, Full Gospel Men’s Fellowship, University Fellowships and others, teaching notes began to pile up; and two main teachings were published into small books in 2010 – How we may Prove The Perfect Will of God and Prophetic Fasting which was part of my project for a course I attended in MFM School of The Prophets. In 2012, Rev. Sam Olumoko of blessed memory advised me to set up a blog and begin to teach about Prayer. This was how the teaching blog came to be. In 2023 an old friend introduced me to how to publish books on Amazon and this was how the first two books were reprinted and five more books published and are now available on Amazon.
The books of The Pen Of The Ready Writer are grouped into three series – 1) Prayer Series, 2) Living The New Life Series and 3) Christian Family Life Series.
The Prayer Series is the backbone of the other two series; because nothing can be achieved without the help of The Mighty God and His unchallengeable power which is released to us when we pray.
Basically, prayer basically has two major components - drawing near to God and resisting the devil. Ja.4:7,8. Prayer involves praying in all manner of ways as directed by the Spirit of God. Eph.6:18. It involves knowing God to Whom we pray and The Person Jesus, Who is also The Word of God. The Lord is the channel through Whom we pray and with Whose Blood we were made Priests who are given the privilege and mandate to approach God in prayer. Jn.1:1; 15:7; Rev.1:5,6. Prayer involves having fruitful fellowship with The Holy Spirit Who teaches us how to pray and provides the power and resilience needed for prevailing prayer. All these issues are addressed in the Prayer Series; hence, there are studies on how to approach God properly in prayer as well as books on spiritual warfare, all containing copious Bible-based prayers.
Next is the “Living The New Life Series" of The Pen of The Ready Writer. The series was born in answer to the various questions that Believers ask, questions which have to do with day-to-day living. How do we translate the teachings of the Bible, this beautiful but mysterious God-given Life-manual, into a workable life-style? How do we live The Life of Christ so as to be victorious in the battles of life so that we can remain standing when He comes? How do we please the Father in all that we do, even as Christ did?
The books in this series guide us to search the Word of God together; and Bible references and passages are given for the teachings to make full impact. Bibles, notebooks and pens should accompany the study. Living the New Life Series is recommended for group study.
The Christian Family Life Series consists of carefully researched studies on what the Bible and The Holy Spirit teach on Christian Family living. Most problems encountered during counselling have to do with interpersonal relationships in the home; therefore, it is important for us to know God’s pattern for the Christian home so that these conflicts can be avoided. God has clearly set out in His Word the role He has purposed that each person should play in the family, and if we all order our steps in that divine light, most of the pain we inflict on each other in the home will be a thing of the past. As well, The Christian Family Life Series books are written to be counselling tools for Christian Counsellors so that they can learn how to counsel with the Mind of God such that solution and healing will come to wounded hearts and homes only through the Word of Life.
This series starts with the book, Courtship, The Biblical Way; which guides us through all the courtships in Scripture, to show how God guided others to their divinely-ordained spouses through the leading of the Holy Spirit and His Word. If we too allow God to lead us, Christian homes will be built solidly on The Rock, The Lord Jesus. Following the Biblical steps taught in this book will ensure that the soaring divorce rate in the Church will take a firm nose-dive! Amen!